LunaCross Puzzle ID 9782 answers
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Puzzle ID 9782
Middle initials in author Tolkien's name:
This Gasteyer was on SNL, Suburgatory:
You do it to time when waiting:
Initials of Thank U, Next singer:
__ Misérables, Victor Hugo's 1862 classic novel:
To clear or absolve someone of guilt:
Goldilocks did this to baby bear's porridge:
Honey __, puffed wheat cereal, Dig 'em Frog:
Computer design term for user experience:
World __, dream of each MLB team:
Iconic the Little Tramp actor's initials:
American navy ships have this prefix:
Spring breakers gather in __ San Lucas, Mexico:
Crazy Eyes actor in Orange is the New Black:
American Standard coding in computing:
__ you like it, by Shakespeare:
Technically inaccurate name for a marsupial:
Umpire's call when batter swings, misses:
Vienna-born former Australian chancellor Kurz:
Long-standing heavy metal band, __ Priest:
Have this ice-cream drink in a diner with burgers:
Love Actually and Schindler's List star Neeson:
Eased tensions, diffused a situation:
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