LunaCross Puzzle ID 9066 answers
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Puzzle ID 9066
Abbreviation of International System of Units:
Abbreviation for the United Kingdom:
British queen of Scots initials:
Actor Alan, Hawkeye Pierce in M*A*S*H*:
Old word for a far north American:
Trueheart, wife of Dick Tracy:
Natural sweetener that comes from plant leaves:
This type of iced tea is also a country's people:
A broker who acts on behalf of someone else:
The Inventor actor in Edward Scissorhands:
2D animation on a transparent celluloid sheet:
Men's cologne brand in green bottles:
Formal word for "just in case":
This gets between beach visitors' toes:
A violent strike, or another word for a party:
Police operations to catch the bad guys:
Letters by which trinitrotoluene is better known:
Trophy __, carves the names of winners onto metal:
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