LunaCross Puzzle ID 8639 answers
We bet you stuck with difficult crossword in LunaCross game, don’t you? Don’t worry, it’s okay.
Game is difficult and challenging, so many people need some help. That is why this website is made for – to provide you help with LunaCross answers.
Lunacross is a crossword puzzle game with a twist. You are basically given a crossword like grid and you have to correctly find all the anagrams hidden behind each letter.
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Puzzle ID 8639
Ready Player One director's initials:
Short for BitTorrent on Snapchat:
In Spanish, this word means "day":
Currency code for the Trinidad and Tobago dollar:
Countess of Grantham's first name in Downton:
Woodworking joint made by cutting a surface slot:
A competition between runners:
Chemical element europium symbol:
Breaded and fried sausages on a stick:
Winged creatures that don't turn into vampires:
Color light one should not run when driving:
To summon someone officially to appear in court:
Frozen pieces of glaciers that float in oceans:
Informative speeches disseminated by video:
Beat together the yolks and whites with this:
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