LunaCross Puzzle ID 8587 answers
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Puzzle ID 8587
Stock ticker symbol for Apple:
Harriet Beecher __, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin:
Alternative sound option to mono:
Stock ticker symbol for Microsoft:
Job title of technical director:
Initials of actress who played Ugly Betty:
France's national rail network (abbrev.):
A sticky and amorphous substance:
California valley famous for wine:
Former country code for the Soviet Union:
Acronym for Internal Revenue Service:
Mission: Impossible actor Rhames:
Entwistle, Flea, McCartney and Deacon are all __:
The abbreviation for an academic doctor:
Archer and American Horror Story TV network:
Absence of difficulty or effort:
Bucket, fetched by Jack and Jill:
Short name for plastic component Bisphenol A:
Internet slang for "too long; didn't read":
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act:
Wicked; word that best describes Voldemort:
Type of movie with a minority of devoted fans:
The Black Keys song about a man looking for love:
Canine snow workers, pulling toboggans:
__-Arts, 1800s Parisian architecture:
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