LunaCross Puzzle ID 8376 answers
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Puzzle ID 8376
Abbreviation for occupational therapists:
Initials of Catwoman actor in Batman Returns:
Running from the law, or on the __:
One of US Carolina states, not South:
Life of __, story about a boy and a tiger at sea:
Leather band for sharpening razors:
Religious ceremony, often of passage:
Oscar-winning film about a deaf family:
Lisa Simpson's voice actor initials:
She sang I Got You with then-husband Sonny Bono:
Goods may arrive in this type of wooden box:
European green including garden, water and winter:
West coast university founded by Disney:
Academic experts or researchers:
Willy Russell play, Educating __:
Large sea creatures, known as sea cows:
Expressing disapproving comments or judgments:
What a person with dark-colored hair is called:
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