LunaCross Puzzle ID 7658 answers
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Lunacross is a crossword puzzle game with a twist. You are basically given a crossword like grid and you have to correctly find all the anagrams hidden behind each letter.
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Puzzle ID 7658
Forearm bones partnered with radii:
Initials of Captain Marvel actress:
Fighting Jon Jones and Ronda Rousey are known for:
Life of __, story about a boy and a tiger at sea:
Blowin' in the Wind singer initials:
Literary queen, Shakespeare's "fairies' midwife":
Software used on a mobile device:
French author of the play No Exit, Jean-Paul __:
Prickly outer casing of a fruit:
Direct a product at a specific audience:
American writer, Edgar Allen __:
In __, in place of, instead of:
Only flying mammals in the world:
Large piece of metal made by continuous casting:
Ticket allowing travel on public road transport:
Light frock worn in the afternoons:
__ birth; more than one baby born, e.g. twins:
Below freezing on the thermometer:
Condition in which a balanced system is unchanging:
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