LunaCross Puzzle ID 7617 answers
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Puzzle ID 7617
Day of the month or year in number form:
Gladiator and Les Misérables actor initials:
Branded sculpting clay for kids, first word Play:
Add B before this for a bacon and salad sandwich:
She was Wednesday in 1991 The Addams Family movie:
Heavyset SNL star died tragically at 33:
Friendly to the environment, sustainable:
There's sweet, sour, bitter, umami and this flavor:
Animal inspiration for Scott Lang's superhero:
"A person's a person, no matter how small" utterer:
Singer Charles, Cyborg actor Fisher:
Harry Potter and the Chamber of __:
Small bag used to store fragrant herbs:
First name of the hospital's lawyer on Scrubs:
Shakespeare's shortest play: "Comedy of __":
He released his Songs for Swingin' Lovers! in 1956:
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