LunaCross Puzzle ID 7428 answers
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Puzzle ID 7428
Thin Japanese buckwheat noodles:
Bacterial infection of a gland in the eyelid:
Positive votes who might "have it":
Grape juice leaves this on white carpet:
Real initials of Bill Nye the Science Guy:
University in Orlando's state:
Abbreviation for autism spectrum disorder:
Parent company of apparel brand Aerie:
Arthur Miller drama, All My __:
Long strips of wood or metal for supporting a bed:
Short for office administration:
They play and mix records in clubs:
Shetland and Orkney are some of the British ones:
In Greek mythology, the goddess of the Moon:
What the sign says when the house has been bought:
Drink you can get from a Red Delicious:
Beatle who narrated Thomas the Tank Engine:
A glass disk in a camera or pair of spectacles:
Latvia's currency before the euro:
The US Department of Defense's intelligence agency:
Joseph __, Communist leader and tyrant:
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