LunaCross Puzzle ID 710 answers
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Puzzle ID 710
An after-afterthought in a letter:
Area on which something is constructed:
Frustrated Yiddish phrase: __ vey!:
Endures, does not wear out or need replacing:
Ownership of intangible creations like ideas:
Initials for Levitating singer:
UK time zone an hour ahead of UTC:
Short for timeline, like on Twitter:
Medical resonance imaging scan abbreviation:
Short for all-terrain vehicle:
Going __, psychotic episode, public service:
Bentley, Rolls-Royce had this 80s/90s car series:
TV soap opera The __ and the Beautiful:
Faux __, foot-in-mouth moment of embarrassment:
Liquid that doesn't mix with water:
Entity, e.g. an individual bullet point on a list:
War and Peace, Anna Karenina author, initials:
To concentrate on achieving something:
Do something in this means to do it thoroughly:
Egg __, thick and sweet Christmas drink:
Deter someone from coming to an event:
Peaceful meditative state in Buddhism:
__ Lang Syne, traditional New Year's Eve song:
A flat board on the wall for putting things on:
British air and space force abbreviation:
The __, 2018 sci-fi movie about an ancient shark:
Gaming download to change a character's appearance:
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