LunaCross Puzzle ID 6914 answers
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Puzzle ID 6914
Claims divided by premiums in health insurance:
__ back when someone is mean on the Internet:
Murmuring sound of a pigeon or dove:
Cone-shaped agricultural kiln for drying hops:
Life of __, story about a boy and a tiger at sea:
Another name for fish eggs; a kind of small deer:
Negative word expressing denial or refusal:
Damage property or someone's reputation:
European capital stands on the river Tiber:
Boot attachment for ice climbers:
A popular 1954 candy song by The Chordettes:
A society based on producing crops:
Meat dish served with carrots, potatoes:
An idol, thing or person that is worshipped:
French expression that means "from the menu":
Zwarte __, Santa Claus' companion in Dutch legend:
Person licensed to make eyeglasses:
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