LunaCross Puzzle ID 6696 answers
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Puzzle ID 6696
City of the world’s longest covered escalator:
Abbreviation for match before the finals:
US TV network with an eyeball logo:
Verdi opera set in Ancient Egypt:
Channel at the mouth of a river:
Fiber-rich food that is steel cut or rolled:
Double helix structure found in human cells:
German-American supermodel Heidi:
Long strips of wood or metal for supporting a bed:
It means health in Spanish but it's also a toast:
The price or opportunity paid for something:
Former East German secret police:
She had ninety-nine red balloons:
Mr. Smith, Tyler Durden, Rusty Ryan:
Hike or walk across rough terrain:
Stylishly dressed, well turned out:
Condescendingly explain, male to female:
The Death of __ Ilyich, Leo Tolstoy novella:
Ancient Greek pencil for cutting through wax:
Island tourist destination in Indonesia:
A life-like doll who could really show her emotions:
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