LunaCross Puzzle ID 6389 answers
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Lunacross is a crossword puzzle game with a twist. You are basically given a crossword like grid and you have to correctly find all the anagrams hidden behind each letter.
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Puzzle ID 6389
Award-winning NBA coach Snyder initials:
Prescription abbreviation quaque hora, every hour:
In TV, Ponch and Jon worked for this institution:
Chicken dish with the name of a Chinese general:
Small memory card for camera, phone storage:
Spanish salutation for a man, without the tilde:
Crude name for a male donkey, comes after "jack":
Wind instrument with a double reed:
Initials of Marvel creator who had movie cameos:
Add an & to make research and development:
Interlocking plastic bricks from Danish company:
Estimated time of arrival initialism:
Film I Am __; Seuss character __ I Am:
Long periods of unconsciousness:
Abraham Lincoln's youngest son:
Partner to train with in boxing:
System that evens out golfing abilities:
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