LunaCross Puzzle ID 6261 answers
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Lunacross is a crossword puzzle game with a twist. You are basically given a crossword like grid and you have to correctly find all the anagrams hidden behind each letter.
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Puzzle ID 6261
Criminal seaman in Tintin stories:
Initials of Harlem Renaissance poet, wrote Dreams:
Income subject to tax minus specific deductions:
Drug that reduces cholesterol:
Rooney __, actress in Her, Carol and Lion:
Liverpool FC's Egyptian King striker Mohamed __:
Running from the law, or on the __:
Independent travel agents group:
Text speak for see you tomorrow:
Bathe in the sun like a lizard:
Rumored UFO activity hub: __ 51:
Substance used to stiffen fabric:
Goes before ching for a cash register noise:
The type of milk you should not cry over:
Navy team that works on sea, air and land:
Three-letter abbreviation for the third month:
Sticker that shows postage has been paid:
Emperor said to fiddle while Rome burned:
Romaine salad and the dressing used:
Double __, large, low-pitched stringed instrument:
Driver who was in Star Wars, Paterson and Girls:
"Gardens are not made by sitting in the __":
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