LunaCross Puzzle ID 5832 answers
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Puzzle ID 5832
Month of the International Talk Like a Pirate Day:
Famous American pharmacy brand:
To travel or move about aimlessly:
Outer edge of a wheel on which a tire is fitted:
Country in Africa that is called _ Verde:
Lady Gaga repeats this for a song title:
Currency abbreviation for krone or kroner:
Martial arts movie actor and stuntman Jackie:
Goblin-like monster in The Lord of the Rings:
Former capital of West Germany:
ISO symbol for nautical miles per hour unit:
To cook by exposure to direct, radiant heat:
Initials of Barb Skokie actress in American Crime:
Short word for upper body undergarment:
Refusal, rebellion against being told what to do:
Actors father James and son Scott:
Offering more shelter from direct sunlight:
Greek term for the highest form of love:
Short segment of audio or video footage:
Second largest city in Vietnam, on the Red River:
Machine stitching technique for seaming:
Brand of cigarettes with a cowboy mascot:
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