LunaCross Puzzle ID 5487 answers
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Puzzle ID 5487
Higher education in the Golden State:
Chemical symbol for transition metal lutetium:
The Bridge Over The River __, Pierre Boulle novel:
One of many thin pieces of a fence or blind:
Symbol for the element dysprosium:
Cut of a skirt, like the first capital letter:
Faux __, foot-in-mouth moment of embarrassment:
Part of the tree where maple syrup comes from:
Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino is known for these:
Initials of boxer who gave the short poem "Me, We":
Neil deGrasse Tyson's late-night TV show:
Briny cracker, often a topping for soup:
Direction in Hitchcock film title:
Walk on the Wild Side singer Lou:
Those who illegally follow or harass others:
Twisting movement of boats, planes:
Limbs you openly welcome someone with:
Table-top writing surface in a classroom:
When chilly, people wear this outer covering:
Someone's purpose in doing something:
An entrance to a house or building:
Sports brand with three stripes:
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