LunaCross Puzzle ID 4203 answers
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Lunacross is a crossword puzzle game with a twist. You are basically given a crossword like grid and you have to correctly find all the anagrams hidden behind each letter.
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Puzzle ID 4203
Suffix of many Russian and Bulgarian men's names:
US state code for West Virginia:
Three-letter alpha code for Slovenia:
Programming language originally named Mocha:
Slang for free or stolen stuff:
Initials of Captain Marvel actress:
Pillar of Islam that includes a holy pilgrimage:
His "Famous" chocolate chip cookies are popular:
Initials of protagonist in Curb Your Enthusiasm:
Point something towards a target or goal:
A bachelor's apartment might be called this:
French word for masculine "the":
Stand for selling goods at a market:
Any company that gives access to the internet:
This "Captain" is a Flash villain:
Group of small islands and peninsulas:
Home video game console released by Nintendo:
Cash register or drawer for money in a store:
Law infringement or transgression:
Hershey's milk chocolate bar with nuts and coconut:
Travel documentation allowing entry into a country:
Remote, undeveloped stretch of wilderness:
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