LunaCross Puzzle ID 3784 answers
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Puzzle ID 3784
"Serving sports fans. Anytime. Anywhere.":
Short for agency that goes after drug traffickers:
__ Bridges, US police drama series:
Claims divided by premiums in health insurance:
JFK speech, "Ich bin __ Berliner":
Westdeutsche Zeitung, German newspaper:
Singer John, song-writing partner of Daryl Hall:
An & between these letters makes a music genre:
Flexible containers for carrying things:
Aka Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
__-chic; hippie fashion style:
Internal slippage of a body part:
Frightened or excited sound made by a horse:
Someone who is fanatical about a belief:
French for good, goes before voyage:
Remark from a play's character to the audience:
Windows __, noughties operating system:
Tasting wine, first this, then taste, then spit:
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