LunaCross Puzzle ID 3325 answers
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Lunacross is a crossword puzzle game with a twist. You are basically given a crossword like grid and you have to correctly find all the anagrams hidden behind each letter.
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Puzzle ID 3325
Cost for each person in a US hotel double room:
First initials of poet Cummings:
Small Vietnamese former currency unit:
Initials of city that means "red stick" in French:
Scottish island with famous boat folk song:
Initials of man who took first step on the moon:
Abbreviation for yearly salaries:
A tiny insect that lives in a colony or nest:
From which to hang mugs in the kitchen:
Rivals of tortoises in legendary races:
Water __ (gets bigger) when it freezes:
Forgiving and tolerant, not too strict:
Gloria __, Miami Sound Machine, Cuban beat:
Neckwear worn by a businessman:
Well-honed muscle, might be a cake:
Turkish kebab, cooked on a vertical rotisserie:
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