LunaCross Puzzle ID 222 answers
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Puzzle ID 222
Notes between fa and ti according to Julie Andrews:
Standard room category in a hotel:
US TV network with an eyeball logo:
Girl Scout cookies with caramel, toasted coconut:
Jeering sounds made by an audience:
Pieces of whitish tissue that make up skeletons:
Licensing and Regulatory Affairs:
Crusty layer that forms on a cut or graze:
Pale, fatty cut of tuna used in sashimi and sushi:
The black powder found in chimneys:
Elsa's younger sister and queen of Arendelle:
Nickname of Peter Parker's alter ego:
Abbreviation of 12-month periods:
Shakespeare's Much __ About Nothing:
Abbreviation for small spoon measure in baking:
Sportswear line Under Armour uses this shortening:
Endearing snow man created by Anna and Elsa:
Cold ones mean a person has doubts:
Do this and you shall receive:
Miss __, Anne of Green Gables' substitute teacher:
Hamlet line, "__, poor Yorick":
He is said to have founded the Church of Alexandria:
Multi-person upholstered seating bench:
Word that represents P in the NATO alphabet:
Massive vulture of the Andes mountains:
__ space, expanse beyond our atmosphere:
__ la vista, Terminator catchphrase:
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