LunaCross Puzzle ID 1946 answers
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Puzzle ID 1946
Music notation meaning play a trill:
A strong and healthy, most likely elderly, person:
To revel in; rhymes with task:
Long story of heroic achievement:
They got mad and left the party in a __:
Loving sibling slang word, from guy to guy:
__ Paulo, south-eastern state in Brazil:
Scientific abbreviation of species:
Japanese spotted deer species:
__ Bening, actress, Warren Beatty's wife:
A drop of golden sun note in the Sound of Music:
Pronounced "key" meaning small island:
Relating to physical need, sensual, fleshy:
Sometimes you have to go __ to get __:
Judge not, __ ye be judged; __ we forget:
Famous men __ Clapton, Bana, Dane, Olsen:
Cookie, pie and sweets creators:
Luxury sailing boat for millionaires' holidays:
How one might look after a squid attack:
Danish beer company named after the founder's son:
__ Express, Andrew Lloyd Webber show on wheels:
To begin legal proceedings against someone:
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