LunaCross Puzzle ID 1654 answers
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Puzzle ID 1654
Stock ticker symbol for Apple:
She played Lorelai in Gilmore Girls, initials:
Utterance equivalent to an unimpressed shrug:
Ancient German city near the Luxembourg border:
Sweet purple-red root often eaten in salads:
Criminal seaman in Tintin stories:
Illegally take without the owner's permission:
Currency code for the Sudanese pound:
Open access, like freely distributed research:
A word shouted at bullfighters; sounds like olay:
Fleetwood Mac hit __ Your Own Way:
Medical resonance imaging scan abbreviation:
Initials for famous British Phantom carmaker:
Breathing out word when relaxing:
A broker who acts on behalf of someone else:
Code for country home to Ankara and Istanbul:
Wind instruments that include the horn and trumpet:
Cube-shaped container of an Infinity Stone:
Expensive yet useless possession "__ elephant":
Garden tool for breaking up earth:
Broken down, changed sugars into alcohol:
Curly, waffle, matchstick and crinkle-cut:
Curved stick held by a shepherd:
Queen anthem Don't Stop __ Now:
Slang for a new or juicy topic:
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