LunaCross Puzzle ID 14440 answers
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Lunacross is a crossword puzzle game with a twist. You are basically given a crossword like grid and you have to correctly find all the anagrams hidden behind each letter.
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Puzzle ID 14440
A looped ribbon placed around beauty contestants:
Where to study in the Lone Star state:
Slang for sweet fruit drink, like with lemon:
Healthcare benefit sponsored by the employer:
The People's Princess in the UK:
Aka Internet Service Provider:
Rivals of the Jedi Order in the Star Wars universe:
Tax enforcer of the United States:
The Wizard of Oz director's initials:
Professional golf tour body in North America:
Ben __, Oscar-winning film with Charlton Heston:
Three letters after an English gentleman's name:
__-Tang Clan, iconic 90s hip hop group:
Sounds like Mike's surname in a Roald Dahl book:
Initials of Joe Le Taxi singer, model from France:
Distinct era or period of history:
2015 film Straight __ Compton:
Mineral made of sodium and chlorine:
Green shade often used at holidays; gem:
Magnetic Resonance __, or MRI:
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