LunaCross Puzzle ID 14085 answers
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Puzzle ID 14085
Exclamatory word often used with "ooh":
An I on the end makes repetitive strain injury:
Shall I compare thee __ a summer's day?:
Throw a football to another player:
Costa Rica's 3-letter ISO code:
Atlantic Daylight Time or abstract data type:
Author of the Goosebumps series, R. L.:
Watchmaker with Calatrava Cross logo initials:
Three-letter code for Nigeria:
Irish name, also spelled Oonagh:
Initials of director of 2001: A Space Odyssey:
A highly concentrated beam of light:
Lots of antler-bearing animals:
Use these to climb up buildings by foot:
Past participle of the verb eat:
Most tired, most ready for bed:
Failed assassin freed from prison: John __, Jr.:
To send a problem to a superior:
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