LunaCross Puzzle ID 13432 answers
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Lunacross is a crossword puzzle game with a twist. You are basically given a crossword like grid and you have to correctly find all the anagrams hidden behind each letter.
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Puzzle ID 13432
Abbreviation used for certain companies:
First word of Asian country that ends in Lanka:
College sports regulatory group:
Computer algorithm mathematician Lovelace:
Star Trek alien group known as the Collective:
Initials of the band behind Proud Mary:
Prefix preceding ~taph and ~logue:
Health care delivered in the home and community:
Initials of Campbell's Soup Cans artist:
Tasteless liquid food; rhymes with plop:
Slang term for a spoiled child:
List of dishes available to order in a restaurant:
Performances of poems or musics:
America's Next __, reality show about fashion:
Family member from generations ago:
European country where the Reconquista occurred:
Naughty behavior, getting into __:
Put these in your eyes or your phone:
To become less intense or hostile:
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