LunaCross Puzzle ID 1342 answers
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Puzzle ID 1342
Multinational group working for global peace:
City of the world’s longest covered escalator:
Griggs Candler, founder of Coca-Cola Company:
An alarm clock makes this sound:
English singer-songwriter with anisocoria:
The number of golf strokes per hole for a player:
UK time zone an hour ahead of UTC:
The Dark Crystal's male Gelfling protagonist:
Abbreviation of San Francisco:
Watchmaker with Calatrava Cross logo initials:
Charged atom or molecule; TV channel, formerly Pax:
A round, flat and thin object; rhymes with risk:
A police force, special weapons and tactics:
Former capital of Finland on the Aura River:
Insect that comes in ghost and Argentine varieties:
A Rush of Blood __; 2002 Coldplay album:
Happy Days' Leather Tuscadero actor initials:
Cherry Red's eclectic subsidiary record label:
Star Wars' order of dark side Force-wielders:
Small yellow cartoon canary in 1947 animation:
Scavenging mammal famous for its laughing bark:
Primary member of a kitchen staff:
South African novelist Coetzee:
His feast day is the day after Christmas:
Exclamation when turning over two matching cards:
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