LunaCross Puzzle ID 12873 answers
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Lunacross is a crossword puzzle game with a twist. You are basically given a crossword like grid and you have to correctly find all the anagrams hidden behind each letter.
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Puzzle ID 12873
Gaming phrase for "good game":
Edible beans used to make tofu:
Symbol for element livermorium:
Soft, shapeless lump of something:
Cultural magazine Entertainment Weekly:
I can't believe I __ the whole thing! ad:
Determiner, goes before vowel:
Three-letter country code for Chile:
Vanity Fair novelist's initials:
Kenyan-Mexican actor in Black Panther initials:
Ethnic group from Myanmar and Thailand:
John Henry Irons made suit to combat street crime:
Italian earthenware coated with tin glaze:
Beach vehicle with wheels and sails used for sport:
Starry-named dog in The Jetsons:
Letters that appear on the Indian Airlines logo:
Add an & to get Dutch fashion house founded 1993:
Come together in the sky like clouds:
First name of Gotham City gangster Maroni:
Precipitous, like a sharp hill angle:
Exclamation upon a lightbulb moment:
Cold dish of lettuce, vegetables, and dressing:
She went Through the Looking-glass in 1871:
The feelers on top of a butterfly's head:
Angelina Jolie plays a Russian agent in this film:
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