LunaCross Puzzle ID 11725 answers
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Lunacross is a crossword puzzle game with a twist. You are basically given a crossword like grid and you have to correctly find all the anagrams hidden behind each letter.
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Puzzle ID 11725
Initials of company that made Dirty Harry's gun:
Strip of wood used to support a mattress:
Initials of Harlem Renaissance poet, wrote Dreams:
Abbreviation for autism spectrum disorder:
Started legal proceedings against a person or firm:
Ones that air during Super Bowl are extra special:
Big Bird kids' show has these initials:
Contraction of Western Union, money company:
Chemical element tellurium, from Latin for earth:
New Testament book between John and Romans:
Army insect that can be fire or leafcutter:
_ Barrymore starred in Never Been Kissed:
Traditional Indian yogurt-based drink:
Molecule that can either be cationic or anionic:
Oolong, herbal and chai varieties:
A double quote represents this distance:
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