LunaCross Puzzle ID 11598 answers
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Puzzle ID 11598
Australian slang for afternoon:
Unseen University, Discworld's kind of Hogwarts:
In TV, Ponch and Jon worked for this institution:
Health points in a video game:
Formed a trio with Aramis and Porthos:
Math equation using square numbers:
Letters preceding American battleship names:
Speedy sprinter Lightning Bolt's real initials:
Surveillance camera on a home or business:
Bentley, Rolls-Royce had this 80s/90s car series:
America's tech company haven, in short:
Beatle McCartney's first name:
A lazy and untidy person; rhymes with glob:
Another word for sleigh that rhymes with bled:
Rudyard Kipling's rock python:
Dutch cheese with waxy red coating:
Examine carefully, judge the quality:
Double __, two people who perform together:
Solution with a pH value of greater than 7:
Ski mask; knit cap for the whole head:
Author of The Borrowers: Mary __:
When you owe money you have it:
Unnerved by the sight of blood; queasy:
The Legend of __, video game with elf-like Link:
Sacred or private space, sometimes called inner:
To be obliged to do; rhymes with bust:
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