LunaCross Puzzle ID 11434 answers
We bet you stuck with difficult crossword in LunaCross game, don’t you? Don’t worry, it’s okay.
Game is difficult and challenging, so many people need some help. That is why this website is made for – to provide you help with LunaCross answers.
Lunacross is a crossword puzzle game with a twist. You are basically given a crossword like grid and you have to correctly find all the anagrams hidden behind each letter.
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Puzzle ID 11434
Shortening of the second weekday:
Online forum term for young mother:
The number of points achieved in a game:
Fall Out Boy bassist initials:
Currency code for the Trinidad and Tobago dollar:
Sound a bird or cricket makes:
Medical exam that happens after death:
Seat commonly seen at bars or cafe counters:
Location-finding technology (abbreviation):
Prescribed series of drugs for cholesterol:
Sound, word we use when it tastes really good:
Outfit worn by surfers in cold water:
Value that means telling the truth:
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