LunaCross Puzzle ID 10603 answers
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Puzzle ID 10603
Hiya __!, greeting for cartoon feline Top Cat:
It shows knowledge in travel planning industry:
Prescription abbreviation quaque hora, every hour:
Type of fish that can be lemon or Dover:
Whistleblowing archive WikiLeaks, in brief:
Welsh girl's name, equivalent of Jane:
In TV, Ponch and Jon worked for this institution:
Cohesive narrative progression, a story __:
Place where things are for sale:
Initialism for adjusting clocks in the spring/fall:
His "Famous" chocolate chip cookies are popular:
Title for a Russian emperor before 1917:
Female Speaker of The House from Bush to Biden:
Abbreviation for a computer's control key:
Obsessive compulsive disorder is this plus D:
Founded Apple with Steve Wozniak:
Software that manages the computer:
Square code to scan with phone:
Element Darmstadtium, named after German city:
One mountain in Europe's highest range:
Julia Sweeney's ambiguous SNL character:
Initials of designer label with polo player symbol:
Sign language shortening, as in British __:
A tropical __ brings a lot of wind and rain:
Coarse jute or hemp material used in bags:
Word found before Sapiens or Erectus:
Infectious disease spread by ticks:
The thinner, longer bone in the forearm:
Buckle or contort out of shape:
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