LunaCross Puzzle ID 10500 answers
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Lunacross is a crossword puzzle game with a twist. You are basically given a crossword like grid and you have to correctly find all the anagrams hidden behind each letter.
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Puzzle ID 10500
Australian singer of Chandelier:
Something done by one person alone:
Initials of SNL and Bridesmaids star:
Read quickly without taking in all the details:
National Tourism Organization:
Computer hardware company by Bill and David:
Continent that includes Cambodia and Sri Lanka:
High School Musical female lead actor, initials:
Million Dollar Baby producer and star Clint __:
British male peers higher than viscounts:
Quick, indelicate cut, perhaps of hair:
Large carnivore that sounds naked!:
Burkina __, West African landlocked nation:
Cartoon Chihuahua paired with cat Stimpy:
Description of a bridal veil or underwear:
Shortening for term you call your favorite buddy:
Three-letter code for the Dominican peso:
Chances or probability of something happening:
Atom with a net electrical charge:
Block that touches brakes to make them stop:
Spanish folk dance in which castanets are used:
Mischievous supernatural creature with pointy ears:
Stocks and __, equities and investment bonds:
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