LunaCross Puzzle ID 10116 answers
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Lunacross is a crossword puzzle game with a twist. You are basically given a crossword like grid and you have to correctly find all the anagrams hidden behind each letter.
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Puzzle ID 10116
King of Rock and Roll's initials:
Add 40 to get a reggae pop band:
Unseen University, Discworld's kind of Hogwarts:
Known as the Island of Enchantment, abbreviation:
Soul Bossa Nova composer initials:
Talk about cross-country sports in short:
It means face to face, online:
Southern US form of Mexican food, __ Mex:
Say this twice for a laughter sound:
Initials of the longest-serving US president:
Military designation for mustard gas:
Seed found in the middle of an apple:
Initials of Bond actor in Skyfall:
Alternative path for the passage of bodily fluids:
Instrument that Candy Dulfer and Kenny G play:
In the original fairy tales, Snow White's sister:
Fairy tale cat who wears boots:
"Day" celebrated on April's last Friday in the US:
Fill chicken cavity with sage and onion perhaps:
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